Have you experienced the perfect moment phenomenon? I sure as hell can't be the minority in this.
Life is hard. As hard as a perfect swirling hellhole at times.
But when you press rewind and put some filters on, you can pick out several moments of sublimity and it's almost overwhelming. In a really, really good way.
The moment your child first opened her eyes to the world. The few minutes of pride you felt after an unexpected accomplishment. Laughing with a soul mate friend until time faded in the distance somewhere. Feeling in love, even if for 15 minutes, as space itself seemed to crumble into some infinite circle. Hearing Chris Cornell sing Black Hole Sun just one foot away from you (ok, that's obviously my personal moment).
Gifts fall into our laps in a scattered fashion but when you tie all these instances together you realize the incredible life you've lived. You stop cursing feeling emotions and give thanks that you can feel so intensely.
A mistake I think many of us make is expecting the moments to last forever, or at least longer than their actual life span. A moment may just have to be a moment. An hour of crystal joy has to sometimes be that and nothing more.
But the memory of beauty is eternal.
As one supremely perfect thing ends, another is rising.
p.s. im sure to sound disappointed at some point soon, don't worry ;)