It's hard to feel sorry for someone because they were born with stunning good looks. Sure, you can draw some arguments... but whatevvvvvvver ...come ON. :P
Anyway, I've realized that sometimes those who are very beautiful get pre-judged in certain ways and don't deserve it. Perhaps women do this more to men than vice versa, but it seems that many times, before even speaking to a very good-looking male, a woman will label him as..."he's probably a jerk," or "I bet he talks to 10 girls at once," or "even if I went for him, his eyes will wander and he'll be gone. Stupid jerk!" or "She thinks she's so pretty, she's probably a bitch." We've all silently, or not so silently, thought this at one time or another (even those who are very good-looking themselves.)
But through the years, I have found that Jerkism transcends all colors, body shapes, sizes, religions, intelligence levels, and overall purty-ness. I'm not solely talking about guy-girl "relationship" stuff...but just jerkness as a whole. I have encountered plain-to-bad looking men that have been rude and full of themselves. Some really think they are Adonis... um... in the form...of, well...NOT Adonis.
On the other hand, there are true Adonises who are kind, secure, and faithful. There's some women who look amazing that I sometimes think might be mean or annoying. But they end up being wayy kind and fun. Meanwhile, the girl that's not as much of a looker turns out to be kind of psycho and super critical.
In my experience, for some reason, those that are more attractive seem to more freely and happily compliment others' appearances; but those that are less attractive whisper about the flaws of this girl or that dude...and they either rarely compliment or are often clearly faking it.
So why is this even relevant? I think that if we can't judge a book by it's cover...we really can't. Just because the cover is bright and cool doesn't mean the pages are filled with dumbass stuff. And just because it's tattered and somewhat worn doesn't mean there's quality writing inside either. And of course the opposite is true as well. There are beautiful yet modest people all there are unattractive yet self-absorbed individuals as well. I guess it's all in how we see ourselves, rather than what really is there.
We've gotta turn a few more pages, get more information.
The pages are all there, we just have to get more information to make a better assessment.
About the Photos:
Top: Jeff Buckley
Middle: Duhh! (She's sooo cute there)
Bottom: I had to include Tom Welling. (Really cute but dorky nice-guy...can't get much better! awww)